Actuate – Strategic Investment

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

Under the Anti-Money Laundering & Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 in effect from 1st January 2019 we are required to verify our clients’ identity with evidence of information provided. Where possible, and to make the process simple for prospective clients, we use electronic verification methods and approved third party databases. If this is not possible, a member of the Actuate Strategic Investment team will be in touch to discuss and arrange for verification of required documents. We require full name, date of birth, and address with evidence of this information.

Often, this is processed with no further verification information required. However, there are occasions that further information is required, particularly if a party is a trust, company or based offshore. We would require information on the trust and company itself as well as information on individuals involved in the entity such as beneficiaries, directors, trustees and shareholders. This is to avoid criminal activity and involvement via our services. A member of the Actuate Strategic Investment team will be in touch to make the process as seamless as possible if further information is required. Information can include name and date of birth of each beneficiary
with evidence, information relating to source of funds or wealth of a prospective customer, and if a discretionary trust, or charitable trust, or a trust with more than 10 beneficiaries a description of each class or type of
beneficiary, as well as the objects of the trust if the trust is charitable.

We would require the principal prospective client(s) to assist us in the verification process should further information be required from individuals of a party. A member of the Actuate Strategic Investment team will strive to ensure the process is as simple as possible for the party involved. If the prospective client is unable to
provide the information required, it is likely we will not be able to provide services to the prospective client(s).

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about AML you may contact us.


Acutate Strategic Invesment
Level 9
4 Williamson Avenue